Welcome to the Labs for Geography 1023!
They are in .PDF format, so you will need a compatible reader.
The due dates for all labs are on the labs, and in the calendar.
- Print off the lab and fill it in on paper (it’s easier for you to do on paper, an easier for me to mark!).
- Labs must be submitted to the Reception Desk, on or before the due date provided on each lab. Please have the person behind the desk time stamp it (date & time received). Place your assignment in the UC Drop box – located on the wall across from Reception Desk (Please do NOT take it to the Dean’s Office)
- The Office will courier them to me.
- I will mark them and return them, usually within 10-14 days.
- PLEASE make sure you have this year’s labs! They change every year!
- Late labs will not be accepted. Period.
Please do use THIS YEAR’S labs — they change every year! Last year’s labs were not the same!
You are encouraged to work on your labs in partners or in groups. Often it is helpful to interact with other students — great! However you must hand in your own lab! (Remember, your partner[s] may not be correct, anyway!).
Lab 1 Lab 2 Lab 3 Lab 4 Lab 5 Lab 6
These labs are all copyright © 2016 by Bruce Martin. They are the intellectual property of the author, Bruce Martin. The labs may be printed and used only by students registered in Geography 1023 at Tyndale University College. Any other use of the labs is a criminal offence.