Geography 101 – Physical Geography of Canada II: Weather, Climate, and Ecosystems
Dr. Bruce Martin
Who is Bruce?
Welcome to Geography 101
This week, please
- Read Christianity and Environment online notes
- If you are doing a Final Project, it is due Thursday, December 7, on Canvas.
- If you are doing the Final Exam, it will be 4-5 p.m. on Thursday, December 7. Here is a study guide to help you prepare.
- The Final Exam will be supervised by Zoom. You must be on Zoom, with your CAMERA ON and your MICROPHONE OFF. Zoom link: Passcode: 101
I will send you a weekly announcement through Canvas. Make sure your settings are such you get Canvas announcements. Please check your email. This week’s announcement is here.
Maps for the Labs are here:
- 21H/16 (21H16 Amherst)(or an alternative version here)
- 83C/3 (83C03 Columbia Icefield)?
Questions? Please email me: