If you did not get this announcement, please check the email address you have on the Canvas site

April 22


You’re almost done.  Review the online notes, use the diagrams and figures in the text, and you should be OK …

  • The Final Exam is scheduled by the Registrar, Thursday, April 25, 4:30-5:30 pm, on Canvas.  A final exam study guide is here.  The Exam will be on Canvas. 
  • You will be monitored by Zoom (using a second device like your phone, showing you and your desk).  You must be on the Zoom call and keep your CAMERA ON at all times. Please keep your MICROPHONE OFF.  Zoom Link:  https://ubc.zoom.us/j/67186205529?pwd=L2ttQmlac2RHOE5NQ3NwS1ROU3JYUT09 Passcode: 2024.   
  • As per College policy, the exam requires a lock-down browser.  Details for the Lock down browser are here:  https://rossway.net/lockdown-browser/Details are also on your UBC Canvas page.
  • I have posted a Respondus Test Quiz in the Final Exam module so you can test your tech.  PLEASE do so!

Questions?  Please email me.  bmartin@corpuschristi.ca  I should respond within 24 hours on weekdays. Weekends I take off.

Bruce Martin, Ph.D.

Instructor in Geography, Corpus Christi College